To prepare for the transition to the Emma Email Marketing platform, we will have training sessions available for users to learn the basics and more advanced functionality.

Emma Email Marketing 101 Heading link

  • Who it’s for: Marketing and communications professionals (or similar roles) who will using the Emma platform to create and/or send mass marketing and communication emails to targeted audiences. 
  • What’s covered: In this 101 training session, participants will get an overview of the Emma platform and learn how to create and send marketing emails. 
  • Training recording: Emma Email Marketing 101 Session from 9/19/24
  • Training dates and registration: Additional training dates will be listed here when available.

Emma Email Marketing 201 Heading link

  • Who it’s for: Marketing and communications professionals (or similar roles) who will using the Emma platform to create and/or send mass marketing and communication emails to targeted audiences who have already completed the Emma Email Marketing 101 training.
  • What’s covered: In this 201 training session, participants will learn about sign-up forms, subscriptions and email marketing insights.
  • Dates and registration:
  • Training recording: Emma Email Marketing 201 Session from 9/23/24